Joanne Murrell

Joanne Murrell, Project Coordinator
Corvette Early Years, a Toronto First Duty site
Toronto, ON

Joanne Murrell is a self-styled keener who several years ago jumped into one of the most innovative early learning and child care programs around.

She coordinates the Corvette Early Years (CEY) project, where child care, kindergarten, school, health and community services work together to create a seamless, high-quality program. CEY serves a culturally diverse neighbourhood—30 language groups are represented at the junior public school where the project is located.

Joanne’s job is to coordinate the various agencies, institutions and services involved in CEY and to find ways to increase integration and collaboration. She reports to a joint management committee of project partners.

Kindergarten teachers, ECEs and family resource staff meet regularly to plan program activities. Joanne finds bringing staff together in multiple areas is a way to support the team, parents and children. It also provides opportunities to share ideas.

Joanne has a two-year post-secondary ECE qualification from her native Great Britain and is working part-time on her ECE degree. Since coming to Canada in 1991, she has worked as a nanny, an ECE, a family support and resource worker, and an Early Years Challenge Fund coordinator.